Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dua Khalil Aswad – Dead; But Not Forgotten

The Human Rights Watch(HRW) yesterday criticized the new law in Jordan which instead of acknowledging honour killing as a murder, condones it as a special case strengthening the perpetrators claim that their actions restore their family's respect in the (dysfunctional)community.

In the Middle East, society is very patriarchal and men dictate as to how it should be run. For women to thrive and build a sense of self, they must overcome obstacles that have been implemented by the current system. Positive reinforcement is given to obedience and submissiveness and women who do not conform to these traits, but rebel against them, threaten the system, hence receive a tough and negative response.

One established trend among many men in this region is the diabolic act of honour killing. While reading on it, I came across a gruesome video posting of the killing of an innocent, just 17 year old Iraqi girl called Dua Khalil Aswad in public (attached is her pic). Dua fell in love with a boy outside her religion and for this she was beaten to death cheerfully by men from her own community including her dad, brothers, relatives etc and buried along with a dead dog. I just cannot fathom the thinking of these people; killing one’s own daughter or sister in the most horrific way, because she was in love!

The key to prevent such inhuman practice is to educate people; so that they do not act like animals. Daddies/brothers should be taught to see their wives/sisters/daughters as strong, smart and beautiful, not just objects to be used; that men and women are equal but different; different physically, different in their emotional and personality composition. Those differences make it such a joy to be in a healthy relationship with a woman, be it your mother, sister or partner. Infact, lack of education and social empowerment in Middle East is leading to a host of other social issues like homosexuality, terrorism, unemployment etc.

In families, women are the anchor and hence the importance of empowering them to build healthier, peaceful and prosperous societies. So here is a reflection to all who has daughters; she is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of future.

Read more about her at;

See her being stoned to death;

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